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Cloud Storage for Education

Cloud in Education

Using Cloud Storage in Education

Using IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service) cloud computing, educational establishments no longer have to buy and maintain their own IT infrastructure. Everything for the student can be hosted within the cloud, making it cost efficient, on-demand, secure, fast, reliable, and scalable. This is why educational institutions have been slowly migrating their on-premise infrastructure to the cloud. Cloud solutions for education provide flexibility to respond immediately to changes, for example a student working remotely on an eLearning course.

Cloud computing makes it possible for students to access the most up to date version of assignments and receive updates when changes have been made. Students can continue to access the best material they need to complete their studies and learn at their own pace. There are also virtual classrooms for students, and even the possibility to perform virtual exams.

Cloud technology is enabling students to collaborate with each other more easily online. This could be anything from video conferencing tools to document sharing. It has been important for universities to be proactive towards digital content to help their students succeed in the best way possible online.

Like every other industry, data has become the lifeblood of innovation in education. Artificial intelligence (AI) and other new analytics tools are deriving greater insights from Big Data—from helping medical schools discover breakthrough cures to enabling teachers to develop personalised learning based on holistic student assessments.

The cloud also allows educational material to be easily available to students as an alternative to libraries which have restricted opening times.

Many educational IT departments would benefit from having a location to store offsite backups or for storing student data or even as a secondary location for school papers.

Reliability, security and compliance are also part of using the Cloud – keeping student sensitive data in the cloud rather than on hard drive can prevent data from getting compromised if a device is stolen or misplaced.

If you would like to know how storing data in the cloud can help alleviate or solve some of your issues please call us on 01256 331614 or email

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